
Change the strategy used to sort resources at the end of the Kustomize build.

The sortOptions field is used to sort the resources kustomize outputs. It is available in kustomize v5.0.0+.


  • Currently, this field is respected only in the top-level Kustomization (that is, the immediate target of kustomize build). Any instances of the field in Kustomizations further down the build chain (for example, in bases included through the resources field) will be ignored.
  • This field is the endorsed way to sort resources. It should be used instead of the --reorder CLI flag, which is deprecated.

Currently, we support the following sort options:

  • legacy
  • fifo
kind: Kustomization
  order: legacy | fifo # "legacy" is the default

FIFO Sorting

In fifo order, kustomize does not change the order of resources. They appear in the order they are loaded in resources.

Example 1: FIFO Sorting

kind: Kustomization
  order: fifo

Legacy Sorting

The legacy sort is the default order, and is used when the sortOrder field is unspecified.

In legacy order, kustomize sorts resources by using two priority lists:

  • An orderFirst list for resources which should be first in the output.
  • An orderLast list for resources which should be last in the output.
  • Resources not on the lists will appear in between, sorted using their apiVersion and kind fields.

Example 2: Legacy Sorting with orderFirst / orderLast lists

In this example, we use the legacy sort order to output Namespace objects first and Deployment objects last.

kind: Kustomization
  order: legacy
    - Namespace
    - Deployment

Example 3: Default Legacy Sorting

If you specify legacy sort order without any arguments for the lists, kustomize will fall back to the lists we were using before introducing this feature. Since legacy sort is the default, this is also equivalent to not specifying the field at all.

These two configs are equivalent:

kind: Kustomization
  order: legacy

is equivalent to:

kind: Kustomization
  order: legacy
    - Namespace
    - ResourceQuota
    - StorageClass
    - CustomResourceDefinition
    - ServiceAccount
    - PodSecurityPolicy
    - Role
    - ClusterRole
    - RoleBinding
    - ClusterRoleBinding
    - ConfigMap
    - Secret
    - Endpoints
    - Service
    - LimitRange
    - PriorityClass
    - PersistentVolume
    - PersistentVolumeClaim
    - Deployment
    - StatefulSet
    - CronJob
    - PodDisruptionBudget
    - MutatingWebhookConfiguration
    - ValidatingWebhookConfiguration

Last modified December 9, 2022: Document sortOptions field (63ee760)